Intrinsic Value of Design and Build
You get what you pay for. Construction is no different.
Remodeling a kitchen or bathroom is an investment in your home and can come in about the same cost as a mid-to-high end luxury car. However, the average consumer doesn’t take it upon themselves to build their own vehicle from the ground up. Or bid out each component- electrical system, glass, upholstery, etc. So why is it that in the remodeling industry, many homeowners attempt to do just that?
Nowadays it’s relatively easy to purchase supplies from a local home improvement store, watch a video online and start swinging. Or bid out each piece to find the lowest bidder in effort to cut costs. Either scenario puts you, the homeowner, as the sole point of contact (ie. Manager) and sole party responsible for decisions (ie. Designer). This can take a monumental amount of time often underestimated or unaccounted for during your bid process.
Though it may be hard to swallow the upfront value of hiring a Design+Build firm to handle your project (about 10-15% depending on the firm), until you’re knee deep in debris and facing more change orders than budgeted for, consider before swinging that hammer what you may be getting.
Investing in a team that has open communication and experience helps navigate many pitfalls associated with running a project on your own. What’s it worth to avoid dealing with finger pointing, falling behind on decisions (which can impact schedule and finish time), under-bidding to get the job (and the corresponding change orders once the work starts) or being pushed off a few days because the subcontractor has a higher paying client demanding their attention? How about the value of a designer who carries product knowledge, space planning, color and finish material expertise? And finally, the management and coordination across the board that brings all of these aspects together to keep your project running smoothly and on-time… where all you have to worry about is what to cook for your first meal once the dust settles?
Consider the value found in choosing the right team for the task at hand to make sure you are getting hands on customer service, best design, installation and project management for your buck.
Article: “Silly clients think they know better” – Qualified Remodeler Magazine Dec 2013